Get Connected!

Thursday Nights

We host our main service every Thursday starting at 6:30pm with a free meal! We’'ll have a time of worship and hear biblically grounded sermon from a guest speaker. After the service we have time set apart to meet with a small group to check in with each other and discuss the message. At the end of the night we go out as a group and get a late-night bite or do a fun activity.

If you’re interested and coming and want to know more, reach out to us! We would be happy to start a conversation with you.

Tuesday Nights

This is when we host our Bible Studies at our houses. We choose a book or topics and spend the semester reading, studying, and applying scripture to our everyday life. Afterwards we all go out to Jefferson’s to get some half price wings!

If you’re interested and coming and want to know more, reach out to us! We can send you the address and meet you outside.

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Let us know you’re coming!

We would love to get to know you.